Monday, January 20, 2014

Two Ways To Wear: Kenzo Tiger Jumper (Part One)

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This iconic jumper had been taunting me for so long that whenever I tracked one down it was seriously hard to walk away from. The red one was too bright, the green I had seen too much, I had too many grey jumpers already, etc etc. Then one day I found a blue one. It was bold, bright and not one I had seen a heap of times. For good measure I also tried on the cream Kenzo Eiffel Tower jumper, but that washed me out and I knew, I had to get this one. Funnily enough I also later scored a knit Kenzo tiger jumper from eBay about a week later from somone who had ordered from Green With Envy not realizing the sizes of these are a little on the small side. So, now, I have two, and I love them both.

You may be sick of them, sure, but I love it, so I thought it best to do a two-ways-to-wear series and show that a jumper that you love is actually a winner. This one is soft, and very warm, the knit one is wool, so it is super warm. I also live in my cashmere jumpers as much as possible, so it is safe to say I invest in them big time, even in summer. I think this stems from my Mum's love of knitting, as a kid I was able to pick a pattern and balls of wool each year (several times) and within a matter of weeks I had a new jumper to keep warm in. I had striped ones, ones with bows in many colours, open neck ones, etc. My fave was cream, long, loose and had a rolled collar and hem, it was so 90's, minimal and, 'cool'. I wish that was still around. Even if it is warm, I throw a jumper on in the morning or at night, so somehow they become as much a staple in summer as they are in winter.

Here I have paired them with a gifted pair of 'vegan' leather shorts- or so my friend calls them, and super comfy sandals for a dressed down summery look. I love blue and white together, it is a pairing I never quite get sick of.
xx Jenelle
Shots by Mario Recchia
Instagram @jenellewitty


  1. Super cool pics just amazing
    I liked your blog :D

  2. You can't go wrong with a good statement watch.

  3. So cute, I'm glad I came across your blog!
    Check out mine :)

    xx Camille

    1. Hi Camille,
      Thanks lady! Shall have to take a look.
      xx Jenelle
